Upper Street

2490 days ago

Everybunny dance! Pro fox propaganda, written by naive idiots, on the rates in Bristol

As I noted yesterday, the BBC believes that if it repeats myths often enough in its drama we come to accept those myths as facts. In the end we will accept that everyone in the Countryside is right behind gay pride and they all oppose fox-hunting. The mindset of Arcadia has become that of Islington because the BBC told us so often that the Arcadians/Ambridgians had Upper Street values all along. This attempt to bully into accepting liberal values by distorting the truth is how the left wages its cultural war today.


3157 days ago

Malcolm Stacey goes to Islington to find Jeremy Corbyn’s Money Tree – part 3

Malcolm Stacey arrived in Islington last night in his pursuit of Comrade Jeremy Corbyn’s famous Money Tree. He felt that he was close to his quest. But did he get to meet the great bearded one?

As you know Getafix Stacey is worried. His potions based on cuttings from the money tree do not seem to be working. Why are shares in Advanced Oncotherapy not at 50p despite being featured here twice a week? Why is the FTSE 100 not at 8,000 as predicted? Perhaps the Money Tree he has been using in the depths of the Welsh forest is a fake or has lost its powers. But another old fool (sorry we meant respected druid) has emerged in North London.

As he wandered up Upper Street in Islington, wading through the litter of discarded granola bar wrappings, Malcolm sensed that the London of his youth had changed. This un-nerved him slightly but he took consolation from the fact that he was just minutes away from the last rally of Comrade Corbyn’s campaign.

Gone were the ramshackle shops of old. Next to the stern sign from the local council “anyone caught smoking cigarettes will be shot with
